1 Day Saturday Class
Classes will be from 9:30am to 4:30pm and lunch will be provided!
Other classes offered include a Sibling Class, and a Childbirth Refresher class for experienced Moms wanting a “refresher” for their upcoming birth.
Kathryn Bircher, MSN, RN, IBCLC – Instructor
These classes are lead by Kathryn Bircher, MSN, RN, IBCLC. Kathryn has been a nurse for 15 years with over 10 years working in Obstetrical nursing. Kathryn is also a International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and has taught childbirth classes in a hospital setting in Brenham, College Station, and The Woodlands.
Prepared Childbirth Classes
The Prepared Childbirth Classes focus on childbirth in a hospital setting covering late pregnancy through newborn stage. There will be instruction in natural pain relief, medical pain relief, and medical interventions (including induction and C-section.) These classes are helpful for anyone wanting information on pregnancy and childbirth regardless of where they are delivering or their personal birth plan. Support persons are welcome and encouraged to attend the classes! Typically the support person is who you are planning on having in the delivery room with you.
Our Childbirth Classes in Brenham and Bryan/College Station, Texas
Sibling Class
Sibling Class is a fun class for big brothers and big sisters! In this class we will cover very basic baby care, newborn expectations, and things to expect with a new baby! Light snack and a gift for the big brother/sister will be provided. (This is not a drop off class, One parent/guardian needs to stay for the class as well).
Please fill out the form for more information on class dates or to register.
Childbirth Refresher
This class is designed for pregnant mothers and their support person who have given birth before but want a “refresher course.” We will go over pain management options and techniques as well as the basics of what to expect. A light snack will be provided.
Please fill out the form for more information on class dates or to register.
Please fill out this form for more information on class dates or to register.
The instructor will be reaching out via phone and email to verify information.
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obtener más información sobre
las fechas de clases o para
El instructor se comunicará con
usted por teléfono y correo
electrónico para verificar la